【亞伯樂 Aberlour】主視覺修圖工作。
這是2023年底的一個視覺修圖工作。這次也很幸運能和厲害的團隊一起工作,無論是設計、攝影師、食物造型都是很專業的團隊,還有場地及美食都是在米其林綠星餐廳 好嶼 HoSu @hosutaiwan 拍攝,這次上傳的修圖版本有些和客戶公開的會有點不一樣,有些光影細節是挑選了我自己比較喜歡的版本。
Aberlour 亞伯樂單一麥芽威士忌一律嚴選品質最好的本地原產大麥,以及來自酒廠附近本林尼斯 (Ben Rinnes) 山脈的清泉釀製而成。蒸餾出來的新酒通常會靜置在釀酒師親自挑選的頂級西班牙歐羅洛索 (Oloroso) 雪莉桶和美國橡木桶內,熟成至少12 年的時間。這種雙桶熟成工藝可以完美地融合兩種橡木桶的風味特性,創造出豐富且多層次的單一麥芽威士忌系列。

客戶 Aberlour
攝影師 ambrstudio
設計 esther._c
攝影助理 yuzo.lin.3

食物造型 moooooooooooa
修圖 Jimmy chen
【Aberlour】Key visual retouch.
This is a visual retouching job at the end of 2023. I was lucky enough to work with a great team of designers, photographers, and food stylists, and the venue and food were all shot at the Michelin starred restaurant HoSu @hosutaiwan, some of the retouching uploaded here is a little bit different from what the client has made public, and some of the photographic details were selected from the version that I preferred myself.
Aberlour Single Malt Whisky is made from the finest locally sourced barley and fresh spring water from the Ben Rinnes Mountains near the distillery. The distilled spirit is then matured for a minimum of 12 years in top quality Spanish Oloroso sherry casks and American oak casks, which are handpicked by the distillers. This double cask maturation process perfectly blends the flavor profiles of the two casks to create a rich and multilayered range of single malts.
Every time I work with a different team, I learn about different areas of expertise, and I'm encouraged to be more attentive and meticulous in every case, and I hope to have more opportunities to work with more amazing people in the future and make great work together.

Client Aberlour
Photographer ambrstudio
Designer esther._c
Photography Assistant yuzo.lin.3
Food Styling moooooooooooa
Retoucher Jimmy chen​​​​​

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